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Annunciating an era of exponential automotive innovation

The automotive landscape is evolving towards autonomous driving and sustainable mobility solutions. Generative AI is fast pushing boundaries and reshaping the future of transportation — from optimizing vehicle performance, and creating exceptional experiences to enhancing safety, aerodynamics, and fuel efficiency. Leaders need to navigate the gen AI upheaval in time and tame it to its full potential, unifying and reinventing every business aspect to deliver superseding vehicle experiences and operational excellence.

Can generative AI end the digital divide among the automotive workforce?

Survey reveals that generative AI can vastly increase employee innovation and accentuate their existing strengths, pulling more people into the highly compensated work categories.

Recently published insights

Tech to watch

Advanced Gen AI models can relieve data engineers from the drudgery of data tasks allowing them to focus on innovative, high-value work from schema generation to feature engineering and more.

A lady looking at a tablet
Expert Advice

Car manufacturers are already creating clear market differentiators by analyzing their needs and applying the best fit generative AI tools - conversational, referential, or creative.

A person designing a car

Integrating generative AI as an additive, into existing IT investments can revitalize and unify disparate data stores, systems, and workflows, amplifying RoI across the value chain.

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Deploying Generative AI responsibly and effectively

A walkthrough of the Gen AI landscape, evaluating its boundless potential in the automotive revolution and the risks involved – Guiding Principles on each aspect and its real-world applications.

A car designer working on a computer

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