Discover how nonprofit Library For All is giving Ukrainian children globally free access to e-books and learning using the cloud.
- Scalability: Can support Library For All's vision supporting thousands of children
- Speed: Accelerated deployment of new learning resources
- Up to 10,000 instances that Library For All can scale up to within minutes
When Russia escalated the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, it triggered not just the largest refugee migration in Europe since World War II, but also disrupted the education of more than 5 million children in Ukraine.
Australia-based nonprofit Library For All sought to use its expertise in delivering digital learning tools to ensure Ukrainian children could keep learning, wherever they found safety. However, given the ongoing conflict, Library For All could not distribute learning resources the way they used to – by preloading them onto Android-based tablets, and hand-delivering them. With Ukrainian children finding refuge all over Europe and even further afield, Library For All's previous offline, hardware-based solutions needed a revamp.
In June 2022, Library For All began working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner, Cognizant, to host its digital learning resources on a cloud-based app instead of on the devices themselves. The organization used the AWS Cloud to create a full library of culturally relevant books available for free on any Android or Apple device globally.
Working in close collaboration, AWS and Cognizant designed and built a serverless platform guided by a best practice implementation that addressed the Six Pillars of an AWS Well Architected Framework, and which would deliver the outcomes Library For All demanded from its new platform.
Opportunity | Scaling up delivery of Learning Resources to Improve Educational Outcomes
Founded in 2011, Library For All provides high quality digital-first books, and distributes digital learning tools globally for children who have limited access to learning resources. It currently has over 3,000 digital books in its database and hopes to improve access to education for 20 million children by 2030.
As of 2023, Library For All has provided learning materials for over half a million children across 16 countries, including Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. Its books have also been published in 17 languages, which ensures that children from different countries can access content that is meaningful and relevant to them, and learn in languages they understand.
Prior to migrating to AWS, Library For All operated in a remote capacity delivering solutions almost entirely offline. Digital learning resources were loaded on Android-based tablet devices and hand-delivered to children living in marginal communities, including those with limited electricity, internet, and poor access to external resources.
To be able to enable digital learning for children in Ukraine, Library For All determined the best solution would utilize on-demand, scalable, and secure access on the cloud. Doing this would help the Library for All deliver digital learning resources to Ukrainian children with Internet access in a cost-effective, timely, and safe manner.
“AWS and Cognizant took the time to understand our challenges and provided scalable, cost-effective solutions. Our collaboration exemplifies how businesses can work with nonprofit organizations to change the world in significant, impactful ways.” — Rebecca McDonald, Founder, Library For All