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Cognizant Blog

The 2023 Nordic IT Sourcing Study, conducted by Whitelane Research in collaboration with PA Consulting, shows that Cognizant continues to increase its customer satisfaction as a service provider. Among the highlights are top positions in Denmark and Norway, as well as in BFSI and large contracts in the Nordics.
Thomas Djursø

The IT sourcing study investigates more than 750 unique IT sourcing relationships and 1,400 cloud sourcing relationships held by close to 400 top IT spending organizations participating in the Nordics.

In total, 25 IT service providers and 12 cloud providers have been evaluated and ranked based on the opinion of their clients.

In Denmark, the survey shows that Cognizant is ranked as number 1 and a Exceptional Performer, when it comes to General Satisfaction.  The score increased from 70% in 2022 to 80% in 2023. This year’s result is a major leap forward.

The survey highlights also include:

·         No. 1 for large contracts in the Nordics. Based on contracts with an annual contract value of >5 million euros, Cognizant is named the leader in the Nordics.

·         Nordic no. 1 in BFSI. In financial services in the Nordics, Cognizant is no. 1 when it comes to general satisfaction with service providers

·         No. 2 in Norway. Here, Cognizant is named as one of the “Exceptional Performers” on the list of general satisfaction with service providers. Same position as we had in 2022.

·         Exceptional performer in infrastructure hosting and workplace services (shared no. 1) on a Nordic level.

It’s satisfying to see that our continuous dedication to engineering our clients’ businesses makes its mark on the results. Over the past three years, we have steadily improved our customer satisfaction.

Areas that drive future investments

The study also reveals the drivers behind client investments, where the top priority for CIOs is increasing security, resilience, and cyber defense (59 percent). The second top investment area is automation (56 percent) as organizations look to lower costs, while migrating core business applications to the cloud is ranked third (46 percent).

We will continue to deliver value through deep industry expertise and local presence combined with the muscles of a global workforce. There are still areas of improvement, and we are continuously working on improving our services in close collaboration with the clients. 

Read more about the findings from The 2023 Nordic IT Sourcing Study

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