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Solutions for the modern enterprise

Wherever you are on your journey, in whatever industry you are in—from aggregating vast points of data to building sophisticated AI models—Cognizant will meet you there.

Managing the Aston Martin Formula One team is like managing any modern business

Racing in Formula 1 is a thrill—but it’s also a business, and teams leverage technology to get ahead and stay ahead. They do it by:


Bringing technology, processes, operations, data, and secure, cloud-based solutions together


Gathering data quickly and acting on it instantly to gain a competitive edge


Leveraging data effectively and efficiently to take advantage of the power and potential of AI

Featured services for AI-led transformation

We deliver solutions for all stages of an AI-first transformation, whether you’re still exploring, scaling successful pilots for impact or leading the way with lean and intelligent operating models.

Collaborating with AI in F1

Technology alone isn't enough.  To channel A.I., you need the right people with the right skills who know how to guide and apply it, properly. Get those two things right, and you’re on to a winner.

Stay ahead in a fast-changing world.