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Case study
Manufacturing case study

Fletcher Building Datahub propels business-wide innovation

A new future-focused approach to managing complex data needs within a highly dynamic business framework is giving Fletcher Building flexibility for customer-centric transformation.

At a glance


New Zealand and Australia


Create a data exchange that flexibly processes and publishes information to make data the heart of a large, dynamic organization.

Success Highlights

  • 3 year acceleration of modernization program
  • 80% saving in data quality efforts
  • 10% improvement in business process execution

The challenge

Fletcher Building is one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies, with operations ranging across manufacturing, construction, retail and distribution industries. Over its 100-year history, many strategic acquisitions have brought together a wide array of businesses. This also means a collection of legacy IT systems with little compatibility, making operational integration a deeply complex problem to solve.

“An organization as complex as ours presents significant challenges for unifying data insights and intelligence while maintaining the integrity of each individual business unit,” says Joe Locandro, CIO at FletcherTech. “It requires a unique approach to data automation but if we can get it right, it creates incredible value for our teams and customers.”

FletcherTech is Fletcher Building’s technology division. It wanted to capture and share intelligence across disparate IT systems while allowing individual business needs and differences to remain. On its journey toward a more customer-centric and data-led enterprise, FletcherTech chose Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to form the foundation of a new dynamic Datahub. GCP allowed data to be shared efficiently and flexibly between Fletcher Building businesses and could seamlessly adapt to the changing needs of the future.

Our approach

FletcherTech and Cognizant partnered closely to begin work on the Datahub. Together they built clarity around the required design for this central data exchange and how it needed to function. The team was careful to define the business objectives ahead of the technical solution.

The aim was to establish a dynamic system to transform data into a company-wide asset, with the Datahub preparing data for distribution between company systems without being overly prescriptive or structured in ways that could become restrictive over time. Through APIs, FletcherTech could onboard Fletcher Building business units to facilitate data exchange, enabling better alignment with customer needs and business objectives.

our approach

The team identified three key use cases where the Datahub would be called to action:

  • Whenever an event change is triggered in a business system
  • Whenever a system responds to an event to request more information, and
  • as an analytics and reporting layer with a view across all business units.

Cognizant brought a diverse technology team to the engagement, with expertise across architecture, data, cloud and integration engineering. Cognizant and FletcherTech worked together to design the capabilities required in the Datahub and how GCP features mapped to these needs.

Piloting and onboarding

A pilot program was devised to ingest, process and publish data from Fletcher Steel’s ERP system to validate the Datahub design and the Delivery Management System built to manage data flows. A second integration was implemented to an e-commerce system to further validate the effectiveness of the Datahub and its data pipelines. From here, the speed of further business unit integration could increase as Datahub design work ensured scalability and stability.

Each business unit's unique needs required careful attention and regular adjustments to the plan to ensure benefits were being unlocked through the Datahub’s integrations. FletcherTech and Cognizant formed a high trust partnership where honest discourse helped maintain focus on the high-level objectives and to find smarter, cheaper and more effective ways to continue the journey forward.

"Seeing such positive results across various Fletcher Building businesses helps paint a picture for the rest of the organization. It illustrates that investment in these technologies brings with it positive benefits as well as helping bring everyone onboard with where the Datahub can take us."

Joe Locandro, CIO, FletcherTech

"The technical challenge was immensely complex, so it was important to set clear business objectives right from the start. It was imperative there was clarity on how to manage the business journey so that we could then assess that the technology was delivering against the right aims."

Michael Butler (Ngāti Rangitihi) GM Enterprise and Digital Services, FletcherTech

Business outcomes

The Datahub has resulted in significant positive financial outcomes for Fletcher Building thanks to improved delivery management tracking. Along with savings through system modernization and decommissioning older reporting and analytics systems, every business that is onboarded to the new e-commerce system is expected to see overall savings to their business.

While the Fletcher Datahub is an ongoing journey, with many more business units to be integrated in the future, the foundational product is in place and data is now available as a decoupled asset across multiple business units. In the most significant early successes, the Datahub now provides a customer-facing e-commerce reporting module that requires minimal effort or overhead.

Business outcome
Toward a flexible future 

Looking ahead, with many more business units at Fletcher Building to be integrated, FletcherTech is confident in the value that is ready to be unlocked through the Datahub. Despite the complexity of such a large and dynamic organization, the Datahub creates an avenue for generating a simplified data exchange where business value can be uncovered.

Fletcher Building Datahub propels business-wide innovation

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About Fletcher

Fletcher Building is a company with a celebrated history which started in New Zealand over 100 years ago. The manufacturing and distribution enterprise operates across New Zealand and Australia, employing over 14,900 people across the Tasman spanning the entire building supply chain, from raw materials to manufactured building products and delivering projects of great scale. For more information visit www.fletcherbuilding.com